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How To Put Google Pixel 2 In Silent Mode (Priority Mode)

How To Put Google Pixel 2 In Silent Mode (Priority Mode)

Users of the new Google Pixel 2 might be interested in knowing how to activate the silent mode on their device. You may be looking for where the Silent mod is located on your phone not knowing it has been renamed to Priority Mode. This is the new name of the Silent Mode on Google Pixel 2.

Although, “Priority Mode” is a bit complex to use as compared to Silent Mode. However, as soon as you understand how to go about it, you will find it very useful and efficient. This is because Priority Mode offers a wide variety of options including the ability to select apps and specific contacts that you do not want to hear from. You can use the tips below to understand how to activate Priority Mode on your Google Pixel 2.

Configuring Priority Mode

Setting up Priority Mode is actually easy. All you need to is tap on the volume key on your device and clicking on Priority from the window that comes up. You will be provided with several options and buttons to edit the time you want the Priority Mode to last. When your device is about to enter Priority Mode, a star icon will come up on your notification bar. This means that you have activated Priority Mode and only chosen apps and contacts will be able to send notifications to you. Although, you device will receive calls and messages from other contacts and apps but you won’t be notified until you deactivate Priority mode.   

Controlling Your Apps

You are allowed to monitor apps when you activate the Priority mode.  All you need to do is to locate the Sound and Notification option and then click on App notifications. You can now choose the apps by moving the slider to switch it to it. The main idea behind the Priority Mode is to give you a feature to block anything notification that you do not want unless it’s important.

Altering Priority Mode options

There are several ways by which you can customize and alter the Priority Mode settings. You can do this by clicking on the cog icon that shows when you activate Priority Mode. Change options like events and reminders, calls and messages by moving the toggle icons. You can also select specific contacts that you want to be able to call or message you in Priority Mode.

Also, you can decide the period of time that you want the Priority Mode to work on your Pixel 2. This makes it easier for you to use the Priority Mode automatically at certain times


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Desmond Andrada

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506 Articles Published
