How to Find Your Coordinates in Roblox

Knowing how to gain access to player coordinates in Roblox can be a complicated and obscure process. However, if you find a way to reach the coordinates and manipulate them, you’ll have a solid basis for utilizing other creative functions of the game and testing your programming skills.

How to Find Your Coordinates in Roblox

In this article, we’ll show you how to find player coordinates in Roblox.

How Do You Obtain Coordinates in Roblox?

In order to find coordinates of characters, objects, and places, you need to learn how to script in Roblox Studio. This platform enables you to create worlds and areas of your own and customize them according to your preference.

As you script, you’ll need to employ basic information that lets you maximize the potential of studio scripting. A fine example of such data is coordinates, i.e. player positions.

Reaching a player’s position (server-side) will require you to go to the player’s character property. (player.Character). But before that, you’ll need to find the player’s object. You can do this by acquiring the player’s object the moment they enter the server with a usual script someplace in your Workspace.

Roblox How to Find Coordinates

If your game features just one player, you can place the player object in your object container. This container is accessible whenever you’re looking for its value in one of your server-side scripts.

To illustrate:

game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) workspace.Data.Player.Value = player

‘Data’ represents a folder placed in your Workspace and ‘Player’ represents ObjectValue container titled ‘Player’ whose purpose is to save the player object.

But this code isn’t your only option. Feel free to name it or modify it according to your preference, or place the player object however you like.

This script runs once a player enters a game. In the case of a single-player game, the server has just one player. However, you can modify the code so as to follow other players any way you want.

To reach the properties of the player, along with its position, this is what your regular script would look like:

local player = Workspace.Data.Player.Value –Gets player object and stores it in ‘player’ variable

local var = player.Character.UpperTorso.Position — Gets vector3 position

What About Reaching Individual Coordinates?

You can access the X, Y, Z coordinates this way:

local varX = player.Character.UpperTorso.Position.X local varY = player.Character.UpperTorso.Position.Y
local varZ = player.Character.UpperTorso.Position.Z

Here, you can use UpperTorso to represent R15 Humanoids. As a result, it might not do the trick for Humanoid models other than R15.

Can I Choose Other Body Parts to Track?

Body parts you can follow are not reserved for UpperTorso only. Here’s how to access additional ones:

  1. Use the Developer Studio to open your game.
  2. While the game is open, select StarterPlayer.
  3. Go to HumanoidDefaultBodyParts (find it using “Explorer view”).
  4. This will bring up a list of body parts that enable tracking.

(Credits: Derrick Bouchard –

Can You Use Coordinates to Teleport Somewhere?

Roblox Find Your Coordinates

Now that you’ve found out how to reveal coordinates in Roblox, you’ll want to know if there are any imaginative activities you can use that knowledge for. For instance, you can facilitate teleportation if you’ve retrieved your cursor’s location. Here’s a simple way to do it:

target = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse() .Hit x = target.X
y = target.Y z = target.Z

(Credits: oftenz –

How Is Teleportation Generally Performed in Roblox?

Teleportation is by far one of the most useful features in Roblox. It allows players to move quickly around large maps and thus enable much more interaction.

However, performing it properly can be tricky, especially if you’re new to scripting. One of the most common problems that may occur while teleporting is breakage of the model. For example, if you used the following script, you would separate the head from the torso:

game.Workspace.Player.Torso.Position =, 50, 0)

Instead, you need to use the CFframe property and the CFframe data type. This is how to do it and correctly teleport a player:

game.Workspace.Player.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =, 50, 0))

Is It Possible to Teleport All Players?

You can teleport all players on a map. However, you need to be careful with the target positions in order to keep the players’ torsos intact. Here’s how the code would look like:

1.	target =, 50, 0) --could be near a brick or in a new area 2.	for i, player in ipairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
3.	--Make sure the character exists and its HumanoidRootPart exists 4.	if player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
5.	--add an offset of 5 for each character 6.	player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = target +, i * 5, 0)
7.	end 8.	end

A Lot of Work Leads to a Lot of Fun

All the coding that goes into performing actions such as obtaining coordinates and teleportation might make you think that Roblox isn’t worth the trouble. However, coding enables you to orchestrate your distinctive games and realities. Not only is this extremely rewarding in the long run, but it can also turn into your go-to leisure activity.

Have you tried your hand at coding in Roblox? How did it go? Let us know in the comments section below?

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