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Solving the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 Eye Scroll

Solving the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 Eye Scroll

The Samsung Galaxy Note 8 is widely regarded as the best smartphone of 2017, and there are a lot of reasons why this is a valid statement. However, features like the eye scroll icon have got owners a bit confused.

This eye icon feature means that the Smart Stay is switched in on your Note 8 status bar. This also brightens up the screen of your Samsung Galaxy Note 8.

Most times the eye scroll icon will appear and disappear on your Samsung Galaxy Note 8. This is to confirm if you are looking at your screen or not. The idea behind this feature is to check whether you are looking at your screen at a time or not.


How to solve the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 Eye Scroll:

  1. Switch on your Samsung Galaxy Note 8
  2. Go to the Menu screen
  3. Click on the Settings option
  4. Click on the Display option
  5. Search for the ‘Stay Smart’ option
  6. Check the box
  7. The eye icon will appear on your Samsung Galaxy Note 8.


You can make use of the same method to have access to the ‘Smart Stay’ option on your Samsung Galaxy Note 8. The work of the Smart Stay is to activate or deactivate the light on your display.

The sensors located at the front of your screen will track your eyes using the Smart Stay feature, this will turn off the light of our screen as soon as you are no more looking at the screen of your Samsung Galaxy Note 8 and will brighten back as soon as you look at it again.

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Reid Salazar

Sep 15, 2017

221 Articles Published
