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How to Hide Followers and Following Lists on Instagram

How to Hide Followers and Following Lists on Instagram

Instagram and other social media platforms have blurred the lines of what’s considered private information. For that reason, you ought to take some precautions. Maybe you want to hide your followers and following list on Instagram. from prying eyes. 

Hiding your Instagram followers list can offer an additional layer of privacy. You can create a more authentic online experience by hiding follower counts and encouraging engagement based on content quality rather than numbers. But can you do that? Let’s find out.

How to Hide Followers and Following Lists on Instagram

Unfortunately, you can’t. The actual numbers that represent how many people you’re following and how many people follow you in return are always visible. Your account type doesn’t matter – you can’t hide the numbers.

Whether you like this or not, a lot of what drives social media is your many followers. It would be a counterintuitive business decision if you could hide the following and followers list on Instagram and leave everyone to speculate. But there are things you can do to manage who sees what in your account.

1. Make Your Instagram Account Private

People don’t always think about what imprint they leave on the internet. There’s too much information and too many photos, and you can’t control what other people post. Knowing who sees what on your Instagram account is prudent and advisable. Therefore, unless you run a business online or are an influencer or celebrity, you should switch to a private Instagram profile from a public one.

Instagram Account Privacy private

This automatically allows only your followers to see the list of people you follow and those who follow you back. All they have to do is tap on the number representing each list. However, if your account is public, anyone can access these lists and see the profiles. 

A private account means that people must send requests if they want to follow you. You can then review them and decide who you want to share your Instagram profile with. This includes who’s in your Followers and Following lists.

2. Removing Followers

Even if you already have a private Instagram account, you can find yourself in a situation where you want to hide your list of followers. But what if you want to hide your Instagram posts or Stories from people already following you? In such cases, you can remove that person as your Instagram follower.

  1. Open the Instagram app and go to your profile.
    Instagram Profile
  2. Tap Followers. There you’ll see a list of your followers. You can use the search bar to find specific people.
    Instagram Followers list
  3. Hit the Remove button next to that person’s name, and tap the red Remove button to confirm your decision.
    Instagram Followers remove button

This way, the people who previously had access to the list of your Followers and Following lists will no longer be able to view this data. They can still find your profile on Instagram, but they’d have to send you another request to view it again.

Alternatively, you can remove or delete all your followers on Instagram and start afresh. 

3. Block Accounts on Instagram

Finally, you can permanently block an Instagram account. It’s the final resort for some people. But those with a large following who receive a lot of negativity online are well-accustomed to using it. It’s important to note that if you block someone, they won’t be able to see your followers or who you’re following.

  1. Go to the person’s profile page on Instagram.
    A screenshot of a profile on Instagram
  2. Tap on the three dots in the top right corner of the screen.
    Instagram profile three dot menu button
  3. Select Block and hit the blue Block button.
    Instagram profile Block button

That’s it, and they’re gone. They won’t be able to see your followers and following lists and won’t be able to see your account at all. 

How Do You Block Someone from Seeing You Online on Instagram?

Maybe you’re not looking to remove a follower but are still experiencing specific issues with them. And that’s why you may want to restrict their access to your Instagram account.

The restricted person won’t be able to see when you’re online and whether or not you’ve read their messages. The comments they leave on your posts will only be visible to them. You can choose to see the comment by tapping See Comment. And if you want other people following you to see their comments, you can select Approve. Alternatively, you can delete or ignore it. 

  1. Open the Instagram app and go to your profile.
  2. Tap the three vertical lines (Hamburger menu) and select Settings and privacy.
  3. Select Restricted from the menu and press the Continue button.
    Instagram Restricted option
  4. Please type the name of the account you want to restrict and then select Restrict next to their name. Use the same process to Unrestrict them if you so choose.
    Instagram Restrict a profile button

You can also access the restricting accounts feature through Direct messaging, comments, or their profile. But the steps mentioned above are probably the easiest way to restrict an account.

Stay Mindful About Online Privacy

It can be overwhelming, hiding profiles and restricting accounts on Instagram. You can quickly get tired of it and feel like being on social media isn’t worth the trouble. But with a few clicks, you can make things much smoother. It’s natural to be protective of your privacy and those who follow you.

In case you are done with the platform altogether, consider deleting your Instagram account permanently.


Q. Can I hide my activity status on Instagram?

A. Yes. You can hide the last active status so it doesn’t appear in Instagram’s direct messaging feature.

Q. Can people who don’t follow me see my followers?

A. If you have a private account, no. If your account is set to public or you are a mutual follower, your follower information is available to that account.

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6 thoughts on “How to Hide Followers and Following Lists on Instagram”

Mike says:
I discovered you just tap on the “Following” lit up box.. it will remove your follower. the number of followers will go down. Hope that helps
Powlo says:
How can I hide mutual followers from someone .
Jenny says:
I cannot find the turn off visibility function for Instagram. Facebook allows you to block your list of following so why cant Instagram?
Wanda Sanchez says:
How do I hide my followers and who follow
Lisa says:
You should be able to turn off visibility for you followers and following only you could see but. Their should be like a switch you can turn it on and off like a shield for your followers and following.
Shamal Baban says:
How can I hide followers name and information in my business Instagram page ? I want only followeres number seen .

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Ashish Mohta

Dec 12, 2023

Ashish, Computer Engineer by profession, has been writing about tech for 16 years, with a primary focus on Windows and Smartphones. He has a keen interest in writing about Social Media, as it constantly evolves, introducing new features to explore.

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