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Home Mobile Android Galaxy S How to Fix Galaxy S8 And Galaxy S8 Plus Issue: Weak Signal Strength

How to Fix Galaxy S8 And Galaxy S8 Plus Issue: Weak Signal Strength

Signal strength problems may occur on all smartphones and carriers, occasionally. If your Samsung Galaxy S8 smartphone seems to deal with it more often than not, perhaps it’s not just a coverage problem and you should look into it. Consider the fact there are actually many Galaxy users out there complaining that their signal problems are so annoying that they even impair the quality of voice calls that drop repeatedly!
Despite the fact that a large number of complaints comes from Galaxy S8 users registered with Sprint, as mentioned, all users can deal with it. If it happens to you too, the first thing you should try is to look into the network settings of the device and make some adjustments.
Mobile network settings for Galaxy S8 devices of Sprint or Verizon:

  1. Go to Settings;
  2. Select Mobile Networks;
  3. Select the Network Mode;
  4. Select any of the CDMA or the LTE available mobile networks.

Whether your calls will perform better on CDMA or on LTE depends on multiple factors, one of them being whether the closest tower to you has been upgraded or not. Of course, this is something you just need to try out and see for yourself.
Mobile network settings for Galaxy S8 devices of other carriers:

  1. Go to Settings;
  2. Tap on Mobile Networks;
  3. Tap on Network Mode;
  4. Select the Global mobile network option.

The practice has shown that users from other carriers than Sprint or Verizon enjoy higher quality on any other network than CDMA or LTE.
Whatever your situation, aside from switching the Galaxy S8 mobile network settings, you could also make an official note to your carrier. The more users will do so, the more interested the carrier will become in fixing this problem sooner rather than later. So, do what you have to do but let the carrier know that there is a problem!

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David Williams

Apr 5, 2017

I am a true junkie for everything tech. My current arsenal includes an Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV Stick, iPhone Xs, Samsung Galaxy S9, Samsung Chromebook, iMac, and Dell XPS 13.

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