How To Turn OFF Background Apps On Galaxy S9 And Galaxy S9 Plus

As is the case with most smartphones, your Samsung Galaxy S9 or Galaxy S9 Plus will have background apps running without you being fully aware of them, which can cause your battery to die quickly and can also use more mobile data. This is caused by the app requiring the internet to keep up to date even when you aren’t actively using it, and will do so while it’s running in the background. We recommend getting rid of or at least turning off background apps so that your Samsung Galaxy S9 or Galaxy S9 Plus will be efficient and faster.
When you are constantly updating your apps for your smartphone the battery will drain, and the constant browsing of your smartphone on the web will also add to this and to your data loss. To save battery power on your Samsung Galaxy S9 or Galaxy S9 Plus, you should disable the background apps or manually update your smartphone. In this guide, we will provide some advice on how to turn off background apps on the Samsung Galaxy S9 or Galaxy S9 Plus.
Closing the Background Applications:
- Start by making sure your Galaxy S9 or Galaxy S9 Plus is turned on.
- Then choose the Recent option.
- Tap on the active apps.
- Now choose End.
- Lastly, tap the OK option.
Closing and disabling the background data for all services:
- Start by turning on your smartphone.
- Tap the Settings icon.
- Then select the data usage.
- In the context menu, tap on the three dots.
- Now uncheck the Auto-Sync Data option.
- Finally, click the OK option.
Disabling the background data for Gmail and other Google services:
- Begin by having your smartphone turned on.
- Tap the Settings option.
- Choose the Accounts icon.
- Tap Google.
- Then tap the account name.
- Now, the Google service needs to be unchecked so that it will stop functioning.
Disabling background data for Twitter:
- Start by having your smartphone turned on.
- Tap the Settings icon.
- Now click on the Accounts button.
- Then click on Twitter.
- Finally, un-check the Twitter Sync option.
Follow the instructions below in order to disable background data from the menus that Facebook requires:
- Begin by turning on your smartphone.
- Have the Facebook settings menu open.
- Tap on the Refresh Interval option.
- Now click on Never.
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