How to Adjust Audio Sync with VLC

“If the audio in a video seems delayed, that might be because it’s out of sync. Out of sync either means there is audio delays or that the audio is a few seconds ahead of video playback. If it’s out of sync by a few seconds, then you’ll need to fix the video’s audio synchronization. This is how you can do that with “VLC.
“Open the video to fix in “VLC media player by selecting Open File > Media. Then click Tools > Preferences to open the window below. Click Audio on that window to open the options shown below.
“Click the All radio button at the bottom of that window. That will then open an expanded set of settings from which you can select Audio. Then you’ll find an Audio “desynchronisation compensation option that you can configure the time delay between video and audio with.
“You can adjust the sync there by entering numbers in its text box. The values entered “can be either positive or negative. So enter a value there, click Save and then reopen and play the video again.
“Alternatively, you can press a couple of “hotkeys to adjust the audio synchronization when the video is playing. Press K to move the audio forward by 50 milliseconds. To move the it back, press the J hotkey. Then an audio delay indicator will appear highlighting the synchronization adjustment as shown in the snapshot below.
“Note that you can also adjust those “hotkeys, and others, by selecting Tools > Preferences > “Hotkeys. Scroll down to Audio delay up and Audio delay down. Select one of those “hotkeys, and then press an alternative keyboard shortcut. Click Save to confirm the new keyboard shortcuts.
“So that’s how you can fix any audio sync issues in videos. The VLC audio sync options might come in handy when you “transcode video files to alternative formats.
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