Galaxy S8 And Galaxy S8 Plus USB Connection To PC Not Possible

Your Samsung Galaxy S8 doesn’t want to connect to the PC anymore? The USB connection is very important whenever you want to back up some files, which is why you should try any of the following solutions:
Enable USB debugging
Despite being specific to the app development area, the USB debugging activation will considerably simplify the USB connection between your phone and your computer, thus significantly reducing the odds of experiencing problems.
To activate this feature on your Android device, you will have to activate the MTP + ADP within the USB settings. Access the general Settings of the smartphone, go to the USB submenu, and make sure it has the stats set to MTP + ADP.
When you’re done, leave the settings and try to establish a connection with the PC once again. If it still doesn’t work, consider the following two options.
Try a new USB cable
These cables are supposed to be resistant but you can never tell when a particular physical flaw interfered. And since testing this option is as simple as taking another USB cable and using it with your Samsung Galaxy S8, there is no reason why you shouldn’t try it.
As a special note, the USB cable that you received in the package with your brand new smartphone is the best alternative. If you still have that one around the house, make sure you test it first. Otherwise, any other USB cable will do it.
Try a different USB port
If a new USB cable didn’t fix the problem, you can consider that the old cable was working just fine. But perhaps there is something wrong with the USB port that you’re using on your computer. Because most computers have more than one such port, try the next available port and see if there’s any connectivity difference.
One of these tips will help you fix the USB connection problem on Galaxy S8. Let us know which one worked for you!
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