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Home PC Reviews Mechanical Keyboard Vs Regular Keyboard

Mechanical Keyboard Vs Regular Keyboard

Mechanical Keyboard Vs Regular Keyboard

A mechanical keyboard uses actual physical switches that will help reduce typos and help you type faster. In addition to faster keystrokes and fewer errors when typing, a mechanical keyboard will also last longer than a standard keyboard found on laptops and PC computers.
Most regular keyboards are made of out of three different plastic membranes that have a rubber dome-shaped switch underneath each of the keys. When you press a key, the top membrane key rubs against the middle membrane that connects with the bottom membrane to create an electrical circuit to send an input to the PC. The cheap form of design does not allow for the best response from the keys. This is noticed when you by mistake get double typing when the same letter appears twice by mistake.
Benefits of a Mechanical Keyboard
One of the main benefits of using a mechanical keyboard vs regular keyboard is that mechanical keyboards are durable and stand up to heavy uses with limited damage. On average, normal keyboards work without damages for around 1 to 5 million keyboard presses on most regular keyboards. But a mechanical keyboard can with stand between 15-50 million keyboard presses compared to a normal keyboard. This means not only will you have more durable keyboards; you will not need to replace the keys as often.
For more information on mechanical keyboards read: Best Mechanical Keyboards
Mechanical Keyboard vs Regular Keyboard
Comparing the mechanical keyboard vs regular keyboard has a few advantages for using mechanical keyboards. With a rubber keyboard, the rubber keyboards are required to be pressed all the way down to get an output on the computer screen.
Also the keys on mechanical keyboard keys are more durable and will last much longer than a regular keyboard. There are a few advantages offered by mechanical keyboards over your typical rubber dome keyboard. Mechanical keyboards are able to withstand millions of key presses that last forever and reduces the overall costs of repairing the keys.
You can also watch the YouTube video below for a Mechanical Keyboard vs Regular Keyboard comparrsion:

Mechanical Keyboard vs Regular Keyboard For Gaming, O-Ring Mod, CM Storm Quickfire Rapid Blue Review


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David Williams

Sep 15, 2014

I am a true junkie for everything tech. My current arsenal includes an Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV Stick, iPhone Xs, Samsung Galaxy S9, Samsung Chromebook, iMac, and Dell XPS 13.

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