Will Netflix or Amazon Prime Pick Up Imposters for Season 3?

TV seems to have an unending love affair with con artists. The lowest of the low in real life but we cannot seem to get enough of them on screen. Imposters is an example of that love but a very good one. The show manages to feature con artists but be compelling and funny at times too. With the news that season 2 was the last almost a year ago, is there any hope that Netflix will pick up Imposters?
I’m afraid I don’t think they will pick it up. Even though seasons 1 and 2 are currently performing well on Netflix, I don’t think it has the appeal or the following to make Netflix want to pick it up. It has been a year since Bravo canned it and nothing has yet happened. Netflix usually moves faster than that.
Imposters TV show
Imposters follows a beautiful con artist called Maddie who also goes by the name of Ava, Alice and CeCe. She travels the country marrying wealthy men, ripping them off and disappearing. It is nothing we haven’t seen before but the quality script, good acting, well cast stars and element of humor adds an extra something to the show.
The lovely Inbar Lavi plays Maddie the con artists. Co-stars Rob Heaps, Parker Young, Marianne Rendón, Stephen Bishop, Brian Benben, Katherine LaNasa and Ray Proscia as The Doctor are all credible in their roles and offer the texture and flavor we look for in a TV show like this. Uma Thurman also appears, which adds some extra star quality.
Inbar Lavi plays the sultry con artist exceptionally well. Both aware of how men see her and both annoyed by it and willing to use it against them. Sometimes you forget that this isn’t a romantic comedy and that she isn’t falling in love with these men but everything is calculated and planned to deliver a specific result.
Imposters season 1
Imposters season 1 is made up of 10 episodes that sets the scene and introduces the main protagonists. We see Maddie in her first and second relationships and see three characters team up to track her down and bring her to justice. Maddie may actually have feelings for one character which complicates her search for a new mark and her boss, The Doctor has to step in.
It’s a well written series with some dramatic elements, suspenseful elements and some darkly funny scenes. It may be about con artists but it is also about people and there is a lot here we can all relate to.
Imposters season 2
Imposters season 2 continues where season 1 left off with the three guys no longer marks but in deep themselves. Everything is backwards, with Maddie trying to lead a normal life while avoiding The Doctor and the three guys enjoying their own new way of life.
There is a lot of backfilling in this season with each character receiving backstory to fill out their character. It is also about the consequences of actions and a little self-reflection. Meanwhile The Doctor is out for revenge and everyone has to stay ahead of him to stay alive.
It is obvious that Imposters didn’t expect to end at season 2 as there are a lot of loose ends and story elements left unexplained. Nevertheless, it’s a decent season that will likely leave you wanting more.
Bravo said they cancelled Imposters because of the low ratings of season 2. Season one did exceptionally well and that caused the commission of season 2. For some reason, those figures fell, which led Bravo to can the series completely.
Will Netflix pick up Imposters?
As good as the writing was and as good as the acting was, I don’t think Netflix will pick up Imposters. I enjoyed both seasons and would watch more but it was popcorn TV. In one eye and out the other leaving very little behind. It was clever, funny in places and an easy watch but memorable it was not.
There are lots of crime shows, lots of shows about con artists or cat and mouse and Imposters didn’t have anything those other shows don’t have. There isn’t enough different and not enough stands out to warrant more.
That’s a shame I agree but I can understand where Netflix might be coming from by not renewing the series yet. There are fresher ideas, newer shows and better recipes to play with and I personally don’t think Imposters had enough to warrant taking it further. I may be wrong of course but a year is a long time in TV. Too long to stay silent and too long to expect fans to wait around for a renewal.
What did you think of Imposters? Want to see more? Enough was enough? Tell us your thoughts below!
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30 thoughts on “Will Netflix or Amazon Prime Pick Up Imposters for Season 3?”
It is really good!
Amazon or Netflix should definitely pick it up.
There are seemingly more than enough loose ends, unexplored love triangles, and hinted-at future cons to sustain multiple additional seasons!